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Athletic Prime Portfolio Challenge

The challenge consists of 10 tests to establish a baseline from which to build your Athletic Portfolio.

1) Overhead Squat

(Mobility clearance test before performing loaded squat movements )

*Directions: Stand with feet parallel and hip width apart, with arms extended overhead with elbows straight and hands wider than shoulder width apart. Squat until hip crease is lower than top of knee while keeping feet flat, knees tracking toes, torso behind knees and arms fully extended overhead and then stand up to full extension. Repeat at least 2 repetitions; 1 to assess front view and 1 for side view.

*6 compensations to look for due to various muscular tightnesses :

1. Elbows Bend: (Pecs, Lats)--Front View 2. Forward Torso Lean (Hip Flexors)--Side View 3. Low Back Rounds (Hamstrings)--Side View 4. Knees Cave In (Hip Adductors)--Front View 5. Feet Rotate Out (Hip External Rotators)--Front View 6. Heels Raise (Calves)--Side View

*Equipment: Device for self video

*Scoring: (on a scale of 0,1,2,3)

(0) Pain with movement: medical check up recommended

(1) 2 or more compensations: squat mobility exercises recommended. Loaded squat movements not recommended.

(2) 1 compensation: supplement loaded squat movements with squat mobility exercises

(3) No Compensations: can perform loaded squat movements. supplemental squat mobility exercises unnecessary.

2) Straight Leg Raise

(Mobility clearance test before performing loaded deadlift movements)

*Directions: Lay supine on the floor with both legs fully extended and arms on the floor. Raise the right leg as high as possible without bending the right knee, keeping the left leg completely flat on the floor and both ankles completely dorsiflexed. Repeat the procedure on the left side. Perform 1-2 repetitions on each leg.

*Equipment: Device for self video

*Scoring: Right and Left (on a scale of 0,1,2,3) Right: (right leg up); Left: (left leg up)

(0) Pain with movement: medical check up recommended

(1) Toe Not Reaching Vertical Plane: deadlift mobility exercises recommended. Loaded deadlift movements not recommended.

(2) Some Part of Foot At Vertical Plane: supplement loaded deadlift movements with deadlift mobility exercises.

(3) Heel At or Past Vertical Plane: can perform loaded deadlift movements. Supplemental deadlift mobility exercises unnecessary.

3) Bully Stretch

(Mobility clearance test before performing loaded overhead and dip movements)

*Directions: Make a fist with both hands. Then reach the right fist behind and around the right side of the waist to reach up as high as possible through the middle of the shoulder blades, while simultaneously reaching left fist over left shoulder to reach down as far as possible through middle of shoulder blades. If both fists can touch between shoulder blades that is ideal, but if not, take note of the distance from middle finger knuckle of left fist to middle finger knuckle of right fist. Repeat on other side.

*Equipment: Device for self video

*Scoring: Right and Left (on a scale of 0,1,2,3) Right: (lower hand is the right one); Left: (lower hand is the left one)

(0) Pain with movement: medical check up recommended

(1) Knuckles don't reach thoracic spine: overhead and dip mobility exercises recommended. Loaded overhead and dip movements not recommended.

(2) Knuckles reach thoracic spine, but not between shoulder blades: supplement loaded overhead and dip movements with overhead and dip mobility exercises

(3) Knuckles reach between shoulder blades: can perform loaded overhead and dip movements. Supplemental overhead and dip mobility exercises unnecessary.

4) 1:00 Push Up

(relative push strength/endurance)

*Directions: Set up with fingertips lined up to a line or theoretical line. Index fingers should be shoulder width apart. Arms fully extended with shoulders lined up vertically over wrists. Body should form a straight line from head to heels with heels together. This is the starting and finishing position. For the repetition to achieve proper depth and position, the chin, chest and hips should come approximately 2 cm from the ground simultaneously. Additionally, the chin should be in front of the theoretical line, so the chest should be between the hands at the bottom. When coming up, the straight body line from head to heels should be maintained. Finally, both elbows should always be pointing back at 45° from the body when going down and coming up. Perform as many repetitions in this manner as possible in 1:00. Resting between repetitions is allowed if necessary.

*Equipment: -Testing Partner -Stopwatch

*Scoring: (Repetitions)

9 or less (poor); must prioritise 10-19 (below average); must prioritise 20-29 (average); can begin scaling up 30-39 (above average) 40 and above (excellent)

5) 1:00 Pull Up

(relative pull strength/endurance)

*Directions: Start by hanging from a bar with a pronated grip and index fingers slightly wider than shoulder width. Arms should be fully extended and feet should be off the ground before beginning the repetition. Ideally, choose a bar height where full body extension can be achieved from hands to toes. Pull body up until the chin clears the horizontal plane of the bar with the head held in a neutral position to complete one repetition. When pulling up try and keep the shoulder blades down and back with elbows pointing down and away from the body at 45°. Full arm extension must be achieved again before beginning the second repetition. Perform as many repetitions in this manner as possible in 1:00. Resting between repetitions, including coming off the bar, will be permitted if necessary.

*Equipment: -Testing Partner -Stopwatch -Pull Up Bar

*Scoring: (Repetitions)

0 (Poor) 1-4 (Below Average) 5-9 (Average) 10-14 (Above Average) 15 and above (Excellent)

6) Standing Broad Jump

( leg power)

*Directions: Set up a measuring tape on the floor, stretched out to about 15 feet. That will accommodate even the best jumpers. The athlete will start with front tip of shoes up to a line that is level with the beginning of the measuring tape. Ideally the athlete’s feet should be parallel and hip width apart. The athlete will jump forward as far as possible with two feet and land with two feet. To begin the jump, the athlete should swing the arms while bending and extending the knees and hips as aggressively as possible to get an optimal pre stretch for the jump. During the jump, the athlete should try and reach both feet in front of their body as much as possible to maximise distance before landing. The athlete should also try and land both feet as evenly as possible on the floor as the measurement will be taken from the heel that is furthest behind, if the feet land unevenly. Also, upon landing, if momentum takes the athlete forward, the athlete will permitted to place hands on the ground to maintain foot landing position. If the athlete lands and hops forward from momentum or loses balance backwards upon landing, those measurement will not count. Perform no less than 4 but no more than 8 repetitions to try and achieve the farthest measurement.

*Equipment: -Testing Partner -Measuring Tape

*Scoring: (Distance / Height; cm or inches)

.99 x HT or Less (Poor) 1 x HT - 1.14 x HT (Below Average) 1.15 x HT - 1.29 x HT (Average) 1.3 x HT - 1.49 x HT (Above Average) 1.5 x HT and Above (Excellent)

7) 40 Yard Dash

(linear running acceleration speed)

*Directions: Measure a 40 yard straight line on a running track. 40 yards is 120 feet or 36.57 meters. Set up two cones on the ground to designate the distance. The athlete will begin at the starting line while the partner is at the 40 yard mark with the stopwatch. The athlete will indicate to the partner when ready, then get into position and then go. Upon the “ready” indication from the athlete, the partner will wait for the partner to get into the starting position. The partner will start the clock upon first movement of the athlete out of the starting position. The athlete should sprint full speed past the partner and the partner will stop the clock as the athlete crosses the 40 yard finish line. For an optimal starting position without starting blocks and track spikes, the athlete should use a 3 point stance as a starting position. To get into a 3 point stance, the athlete should line up their preferred hand and opposite foot to the starting line. The athlete should position their down hand with their fingerprints pressed into the ground and hand turned so the index finger and thumb line up with the starting line. The tip of the shoe of the front foot should also be lined up with the starting line. So line up either left hand, right foot or right hand, left foot. If the athlete goes with right hand and left foot forwarder example, then the right toe should be approximately one foot length away from the left heel. Also the feet should be hip width apart for balance. So, if the right hand is forward, then the left hand is back. The left arm should be bent at 90° with the left hand behind and over the left hip. To maximise forward momentum, the athlete should raise the hips and lean forward to put as much weight as possible on the front fingers to actually encourage loss of balance forward. Upon loss of balance the athlete should drive the back arm and back leg forward aggressively while simultaneously pushing off with the front leg and pawing the ground with the front fingers. This type of start should give ideal forward body thrust. Perform between 2 to 3 repetitions with 3-5 minutes rest between repetitions.

*Equipment: -Testing Partner -Measuring Tape -Stopwatch -2 cones

* Scoring: (Seconds)

5.51 and Above (Poor) 5.50 - 5.30 ( Below Average) 5.29 - 5.00 (Average) 4.99 - 4.70 (Above Average) 4.69 and Below (Excellent)

8) 5-10-5 Shuttle

(running agility)

*Directions: On a non slip surface, set up 3 cones in a line where cone 1 and 2 are 5 yards apart and cones 2 and 3 are also 5 yards apart. 5 yards is 15 feet or 4.57 meters. The athlete will line up parallel to the line that the 3 cones create, facing the centre cone. The athlete’s feet will be parallel and slightly wider than shoulder width apart. The athlete places the preferred hand on the ground directly in front of the centre cone (cone 2). This is the starting position. The drill can begin to the right or to the left. If the drill begins to the right, the athlete will run right from cone 2 to cone 1, touching the right hand at cone 1, then run left to cone 3, touching the left hand at cone 3, then run right towards cone 2, sprinting past cone 2 to finish the drill. If the drill starts to the left, the athlete will run left from cone 2 to cone 3, touching the left hand at cone 3, then run right to cone 1 touching the right hand at cone 1, then run left towards cone 2 , sprinting past cone 2 to finish the drill. The partner will stand opposite and facing the athlete at cone 2 with the stopwatch. Upon the athlete’s first movement from the starting position, the partner will start the clock. The partner will stop the clock upon the athlete sprinting past cone 2 to finish the drill. Perform 2-3 right drills and 2-3 left drills giving 3-5 minutes between attempts. Record the best left drill and the best right drill.

*Equipment: -Testing Partner -Measuring Tape -Stopwatch -3 Cones

*Scoring: (Seconds)

5.51 and Above (Poor) 5.50 - 5.30 ( Below Average) 5.29 - 5.00 (Average) 4.99 - 4.70 (Above Average) 4.69 and Below (Excellent)

9) 1:00 Jump Rope

(coordination, overall stamina)

*Directions: Athlete begins standing with feet together and rope in hand. Partner starts the clock upon athlete first movement and counts every successful repetition where the athlete jumps with two feet passes the rope under their feet one time and lands with two feet. This is called the single under style of rope jumping. Partner yells stop and stops the clock at the 1:00 mark, counting the last successful rep before that point. To maximise efficiency, the athlete should jump with a stiff body, elbows bent at about 135° with hands at side of the body and the shoulders relaxed. The bounce should come from the feet and ankles with knees absorbant but not bending excessively.

*Single Unders style

*Equipment: -Testing Partner -Stopwatch -Jump Rope

*Scoring: (Repetitions)

99 or Less (Poor) 100 -119 (Below Average) 120-139 (Average) 140 - 159 (Above Average) 160 and Above (Excellent)

10) 400 Meter Run

(running stamina)

*Directions: Find a 400 meter running track lane. This test can be done with or without a partner. Start the watch upon starting and stop the watch upon completion of one complete 400 meter lap of the track. The athlete should focus on a up tempo but relaxed arm swing with quick and light foot lifts. This distance is tricky because it is too long to sprint but not long enough to pace too much. This is as much a test of courage and mental fortitude as it is stamina. One attempt at this test is sufficient. Just be sure to loosen up adequately.


-Stopwatch -400 Meter Track Lane

*Scoring: (minutes, seconds)

2:00 and Above (Poor) 1:59 - 1:40 (Below Average) 1:39 - 1:20 (Average) 1:19 - 1:00 (Above Average) :59 and Below (Excellent)

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